In case anyone is wondering what unikernels are:
What are unikernels?
Unikernels are specialised, single-address-space machine images constructed by using library operating systems.
Unikernels shrink the attack surface and resource footprint of cloud services. They are built by compiling high-level languages directly into specialised machine images that run directly on a hypervisor, such as Xen, or on bare metal. Since hypervisors power most public cloud computing infrastructure such as Amazon EC2, this lets your services run more cheaply, more securely and with finer control than with a full software stack.
Unikernels provide many benefits compared to a traditional OS, including improved security, smaller footprints, more optimisation and faster boot times.
From the same site here’s a list of unikernel projects that @jc00ke (in a post on Devtalk some time ago) said might be worth looking into.
I personally can’t see a situation where I’d need to use one or why I’d need to move away from dedicated servers with a RHL based distro, but if I did I would be most interested in FreeBSD