Gen_agent - behavior module to simplify resource fetching (request for comments)

Well, as I said in reply to @hansn, fetching (with retries and backoffs between retries, if needed) is only one thing it can do, but probably what it will be used for the most. But you can also use it to push something to Twitter for example (retrying if Twitter is down or sth). With that in mind, gen_retry appears to be the most fitting of your proposals.


I reworded and extended the opening paragraph in the README of the repo to clarify that resource fetching is the primary, most likely use case of gen_agent (or whatever it will be called in the future), but it is not limited to that. (That paragraph was actually a draft, we had to write something there, and then we forgot :stuck_out_tongue:)


It’s been a while since we worked on this project… Considering other naming options since the original gen_agent was seen as problematic, we finally settled on gen_errand and re-released it under that name on GitHub and as a Hex package. Give it a spin if you like, let us know what you think :blush: