How to Run a Released App in the Background with Rebar3/Cowboy?

Thanks for the link. It actually help me to think differently; although I don’t agree on dev and release be so different, how TDD even works in this situation (different topic I will ask later). So, I actually did add the cow dependency in the app.src file:

{application, app,
 [{description, "My app"},
  {vsn, "0.1.0"},
  {registered, []},
  {mod, {app, []}},
  {modules, []},

  {licenses, ["Apache 2.0"]},
  {links, []}

So I reduced it to two problems now:

  1. Im serving static files so I probably need to add the priv folder as the dependency.
  2. Going back to local, and using foreground on the release, gave me an ‘inet_tec’ error which is outside this question, as it relates to my local machine, so I posted a question here.