Is partial function application in Erlang a good idea?


Guess I’ll leave that to @Gwaeron, if he likes :sweat_smile:

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I love this idea! It reminds me of scala’s usage of _ for ignored params.
It working well with a future pipe operator alone in my opinion justifies its existence.

Here’s a random scala snippet I tried to translate to idiomatic erlang, with my understanding of this proposal implemented:

val items = Seq(("candy", 2, true), ("cola", 7, false), ("apple", 3, false), ("milk", 4, true))
val itemsToBuy = items
  .filter(_._3)     // filter in only available items (true)
  .filter(_._2 > 3) // filter in only items with price greater than 3
  .map(_._1)        // return only the first element of the tuple; the item name
assertEquals(itemsToBuy, Seq("milk"))
Items      = [{candy, 2, true}, {cola, 7, false}, {apple, 3, false}, {milk, 4, true}],
ItemsToBuy = lists:filter(element(3, _)    , Items)
          |> lists:filter(element(2, _) > 3, _    )
          |> lists:   map(element(1, _)    , _    ).

This probably begs the question that if Items were a list of lists, should lists:filter(_._3, Items) be valid with _._N being an alias for lists:nth(N, _)
Though I’m not particularly interested in answering that question.


Yeah, that usage is pretty much what I had in mind, except the second filter which compares a fun element(2, _) to an integer 3 and would crash since there’s no function clause matching lists:filter(bool(), [any()]).
Though I think each of those filter functions could be replaced by a list comprehension for easier reading, this demonstrates how the fun-ifying with missing elements can be useful for piping.

I haven’t responded here in a while due to being busy, but I intend to try to rewrite some non-toy examples in OTP modules that I think will demonstrate, as requested, how this could be used to generate cleaner code, and then maybe send it to the mailing list if there is some interest.


except the second filter which compares a fun element(2, _) to an integer 3 and would crash since there’s no function clause matching lists:filter(bool(), [any()]).

Oh right… would surrounding the expression in parentheses like (element(2, _) > 3) signify to be interpreted as fun(Elem) -> element(2, Elem) > 3 or would that not be possible at this point?

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In a prototype I made using parse transforms, operators were supported _ > 3, but I didn’t add any way to change the scope of the placeholder _ to a surrounding expression.

With the suggestion made above to keep the fun keyword I guess it could be possible to control the scope of the placeholder, something like fun (element(2, _) > 3) but I don’t think that looks like Erlang any more, a normal fun would be better. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are also other implications I didn’t consider yet that would make this use inconsistent.


It has been quite fun to read this thread as Gleam has precisely this syntax for partial function application :grin:


What became of this project? @Gwaeron?


Sorry for the delay, I’ve been in the middle of a move and didn’t have time to do a write-up yet, but it’s definitely still on the to-do list! Look forward to it Soon™.


Will do :slight_smile: