OTP 25.0-rc2 (Release Candidate 2) is released

I have an unexpected behaviour with peer and 25.0rc2 here.

Test case: create three nodes a,b and c (short names) and let a ping b and c.
If I do this manually in three shells, it works as expected: each nodes sees the other two.

If I try the same via peer, b and c only see a:

test() ->
    {ok, PidA, NodeA} = peer:start_link(#{name => a, connection => standard_io}),
    {ok, PidB, NodeB} = peer:start_link(#{name => b, connection => standard_io}),
    {ok, PidC, NodeC} = peer:start_link(#{name => c, connection => standard_io}),

    pong = peer:call(PidA, net_adm, ping, [NodeB]),
    pong = peer:call(PidA, net_adm, ping, [NodeC]),

    ['b@zed', 'c@zed'] = peer:call(PidA, erlang, nodes, []),
    ['a@zed']                = peer:call(PidB, erlang, nodes, []),
    ['a@zed']                = peer:call(PidC, erlang, nodes, []),


From what I can see, the peer nodes are neither -hidden nor do they have the flag -connect_all disabled.

Any ideas?