Thanks for chiming in on Erlang type system efforts
I was having a bit of trouble evangelizing Purerl because the status and maturity of the project is hard to discern from the github repos.
- The id3as repos are not linked on the Purerl repo. Some bindings (Ranch & Gun) are available only on id3as org. Would it be nice to have all the bindings listed on the Purerl repo so that someone weighing a shift would be encouraged by the availability of bindings for major libs ? It would also allow one to estimate how much effort needs to be put in to create new bindings and also prevent duplication of effort.
- There is a id3as/purescript-erl-stetson & purescript-erl-cowboy. Is there a recommendation on which one to use ?
- Are there any purerl libraries that have been published to hex ? How do you ensure versions of the underlying erlang deps and the bindings match ? Is there a case for pushing the erlang files generated by Purerl to hex ?
- Can you please share your thoughts on what could be done to get more folks to use it ? Roadmap ?
- I don’t necessarily see the dual compilation as a pain point but would you care to comment on the pain points one should expect while adopting purerl ? Would it be nice to put it up on the readme ?