Ten thousand lines of logging when starting TLS connection

We have this problem as well. As soon as we use some TLS configuration, all cacerts are logged in the SASL logs on info level.

To temporarily fix this, one can disable the progress logs with the following sys.config:

    {kernel, [
        {logger, [
            {handler, default, logger_std_h, #{
                filter_default => log,
                filters => [
                    {disable_progress, {fun logger_filters:progress/2, stop}}

(Note that this is just a minimal configuration, the default configuration for the default handler is actually a bit different:

1> logger:get_handler_config(default).
{ok,#{config => ...,
      filter_default => stop,
      filters =>
          [{remote_gl,{fun logger_filters:remote_gl/2,stop}},
           {domain,{fun logger_filters:domain/2,
           {no_domain,{fun logger_filters:domain/2,
      formatter =>
          {logger_formatter,#{legacy_header => true,single_line => false}},
      id => default,level => all,module => logger_std_h}}
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