The Architecture of Oban | Parker Selbert | Code BEAM V America 21

Code Sync: The Architecture of Oban | Parker Selbert | Code BEAM V America 21

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@CodeSync It’d be really useful to post the abstract as well, i.e.

Oban is an Elixir job processing system backed by PostgreSQL for persistence and coordination. It stands on the shoulders of giants, blending OTP and PostgreSQL into a tool that’s uniquely possible on the BEAM.

Together we’ll explore how Oban composes components of Elixir and OTP to enable powerful features such as job isolation, dynamic scaling, in-flight job cancelling, safe timeouts and graceful shutdown. We’ll also investigate how support for plugins and telemetry integration makes Oban so extensible that a paid product was built on top of it without any special handling. Come take a look under the hood of a dynamic, scalable and reliable job processor made possible by the BEAM.

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These are posted automatically via YouTube’s RSS feed Phil, and unfortunately the feeds only include the title and link :slightly_frowning_face:

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