Zotonic Real-Time Web Framework - have you used it?

2 posts were split to a new topic: Is the Zotonic multi-node prototype open source?

It is here: GitHub - zotonic/zotonic at zynamo. Last updated 9 years ago, so very much out of date. Here is a wiki page describing why we didn’t continue with it. Federation versus Zynamo · zotonic/zotonic Wiki · GitHub.

In the upcoming z1.0 we have some federation features like content-sharing/copying between independent nodes.

@mworrell probably has more info.


Yes, in the 1.0 we are moving to easy content federation between sites. With a goal to have everything available, stored and shared using JSON-LD.

In the 1.0 we have also integrated OAuth2 client and server, so that you can login on one site using your credentials from another site. (SSO)

We have a project defined for warm failover between servers, that would be great for planned updates and/or disaster recovery.


The JSON-LD will replace UBF(A)?


On the web socket transport we now mainly use JSON, but UBF(A) is still available as format. JSON-LD is for sharing linked data between sites.

That new feature makes it possible to easily import linked publications from other sites into your own. As a shallow copy, with links to the remote, or as deep copy.

Next step

After importing the link to the original publication has been maintained. All connected resources (texts and images) are copied.

This makes it possible to easily share content between sites.


Right now we are using JSON for the transport. In the 0.x it was UBF-A.

The JSON for exports will gravitate to JSON-LD, just as we will also move to JSON-LD as a storage format. That is expected to be in the 2.x


To be more precise. The web socket protocol is MQTT v5 over WS. So binary data is also supported.


FYI, the last thing I have been working on with Zotonic is an iOS PWA Shell app which finally allows us to send APNS push notifications from Zotonic. The app and supporting APNS zotonic module will probably be made open-source in the near future. Once things settle down a bit.

(Sending a push notification)

(Receive on iOS device)

This finally makes it possible to have something similar as a PWA on iOS.