A shared FIFO queue is implemented using ETS

Hi :slight_smile:

I can understand the requirement for a shared queue, that would indeed be a thing nice to have. But why the requirement for such extreme speed, ie where 200-350ns vs 1µs makes a difference?

I don’t know what you are planning to use this for, but in a general sense the primary use case for something like a shared queue is a producer/consumer setup. Producers create and enqueue tasks, consumers (workers) dequeue tasks and execute them, you know the pattern. But typically, the tasks are comparatively expensive and long-running, so I have doubts that a difference of 650-800ns in fetching a task would make a noticeable difference.

You might have something entirely different in mind, though. As you are willing to resort to implementing NIFs to gain speed, it looks like you desperately need it :wink: But I can’t imagine what for, so please tell me :slight_smile: