Advent of Code 2021 - Day 9

This topic is about Day 9 of the Advent of Code 2021.

We have a private leaderboard (shared with users of the elixir forum):

The entry code is:


Today’s puzzle seems to be waaay easier than yesterday’s :slight_smile: :

main(File) ->
    {ok, RawData} = file:read_file(File),
    Data = [ [ N - $0 || N <- binary_to_list(Line) ]
             || Line <- binary:split(RawData, <<"\n">>, [global, trim]) ],
    Map = load(Data),
    io:format("part 1: ~p~n", [solve1(Map)]),
    io:format("part 2: ~p~n", [solve2(Map)]).

load(Data) ->
    maps:from_list([ {{X, Y}, N} || {Y, Line} <- enum(Data),
                                    {X, N}    <- enum(Line) ]).

enum(List) ->
    lists:zip(lists:seq(1, length(List)), List).

solve1(Map) ->
    maps:fold(fun (XY, V, Acc) ->
                  case is_low_point(XY, V, Map) of
                      true  -> 1 + V + Acc;
                      false -> Acc
              end, 0, Map).

is_low_point(XY, Value, Map) ->
    Adjacent = [ maps:get(A, Map) || A <- adjacent_coords(XY),
                                     maps:is_key(A, Map) ],
    lists:all(fun (AdjValue) -> AdjValue > Value end, Adjacent).

adjacent_coords({X, Y}) ->
    [{X - 1, Y},
     {X + 1, Y},
     {X, Y - 1},
     {X, Y + 1}].

solve2(Map) ->
    Basins = maps:fold(fun (XY, V, Acc) ->
                           case is_low_point(XY, V, Map) of
                               true  -> [basin(XY, V, #{}, Map)|Acc];
                               false -> Acc
                       end, [], Map),
    lists:foldl(fun erlang:'*'/2, 1,
                [ maps:size(X) || X <- lists:sublist(lists:reverse(lists:sort(Basins)), 3) ]).

basin(XY0, V0, Acc0, Map) ->
    ToFollow = [ {A, N} || A <- adjacent_coords(XY0),
                               maps:is_key(A, Map),
                           not maps:is_key(A, Acc0),
                           N <- [maps:get(A, Map)],
                           N >   V0,
                           N =/= 9 ],
    lists:foldl(fun ({XY, V}, Acc) -> basin(XY, V, Acc, Map) end, Acc0#{XY0 => V0}, ToFollow).

Man I hate it when puzzle 2 requires a completely different data structure than the one picked for puzzle 1


Interesting, I used the same datastructure for both parts.


Yes, it was easier, @danilagamma. How do I know that? I was able to do it by myself:

main() ->

main(File) ->
    Data = parse_file(file:read_file(File)),

    io:format("Part 1 (9, 514) for ~p: ~p~n", [File, part1(Data)]),
    io:format("Part 2 (1134, 1103130) for ~p: ~p~n", [File, part2(Data)]).

part2(Data) ->
    Basins = [lists:sort(X) || X <- find_three_largest_basins(Data)],
    [B1, B2, B3 | _] =
        lists:sort(fun(X, Y) -> length(X) > length(Y) end, remove_dups(Basins)),
    LBasins = [length(X) || X <- [B1, B2, B3]],
    lists:foldl(fun(X, Y) -> X * Y end, 1, LBasins).

remove_dups([]) ->
remove_dups([H | T]) ->
    [H | [X || X <- remove_dups(T), X /= H]].

find_three_largest_basins(Data) ->
    find_three_largest_basins(create_map(Data), length(Data), length(hd(Data)), []).

find_three_largest_basins(Map, Lines, Columns, _ThreeLargest) ->
    [basin_size({Line, Column}, Map, [])
     || Line <- lists:seq(1, Lines), Column <- lists:seq(1, Columns)].

basin_size({Line, Column}, Map, Basin) ->
    Value = maps:get({Line, Column}, Map, $9),
    case (Value =/= $9) and not lists:member({Line, Column}, Basin) of
        true ->
            basin_size_rec({Line, Column}, Map, [{Line, Column} | Basin]);
        false ->

basin_size_rec({Line, Column}, Map, Basin) ->
    B2 = basin_size({Line - 1, Column}, Map, Basin),
    B3 = basin_size({Line + 1, Column}, Map, B2),
    B4 = basin_size({Line, Column - 1}, Map, B3),
    B5 = basin_size({Line, Column + 1}, Map, B4),

part1(Data) ->
    LowPoints = find_low_points(Data),
    lists:sum([X - 48 + 1 || X <- LowPoints]).

find_low_points(Data) ->
    find_low_points(create_map(Data), length(Data), length(hd(Data))).

find_low_points(Map, Lines, Columns) ->
    [maps:get({Line, Column}, Map)
     || Line <- lists:seq(1, Lines),
        Column <- lists:seq(1, Columns),
        is_low_point(Map, Line, Column)].

is_low_point(Map, Line, Column) ->
    Value = maps:get({Line, Column}, Map),
    (Value < maps:get({Line - 1, Column}, Map, 100))
    and (Value < maps:get({Line + 1, Column}, Map, 100))
    and (Value < maps:get({Line, Column - 1}, Map, 100))
    and (Value < maps:get({Line, Column + 1}, Map, 100)).

create_map(Data) ->
    create_map(Data, #{}, 1).

create_map([], Map, _) ->
create_map([Head | Tail], Map, X) ->
    create_map(Tail, create_map_from_line(Head, Map, X), X + 1).

create_map_from_line(Line, Map, X) ->
    {_, NewMap} =
        lists:foldl(fun(Height, {Y, M}) -> {Y + 1, M#{{X, Y} => Height}} end, {1, Map}, Line),

parse_file({ok, RawData}) ->
    [unicode:characters_to_list(Line) || Line <- re:split(RawData, "[\n]+"), Line =/= <<>>];
parse_file({error, _}) ->
    "No file with that name!".

For puzzle 1 today I thought I be smart and use something other than the obvious map from coordinates to depths: built a lists sliding window function and applied it to both dimensions giving me a nice 9x9 2d sliding window.

Then puzzle 2 was impossible to save with this method and required the aforementioned maps :roll_eyes:
So for puzzle 2 I started over and basically have two different implementations for puzzle 1 without wanting to

p9_1() ->
    Tab = p9_read("priv/p09.txt"),
    Blocks = lists:flatten([ lists:zip3(A,B,C) 
                             || [A,B,C] <- sliding(3, [ sliding(3, L) 
                                                        || L <- Tab ])]),
    Low = [ C || {[_,A1,_],[A2,C,A3],[_,A4,_]} <- Blocks, 
                 C < lists:min([A1,A2,A3,A4]) ],
    lists:sum(lists:map(fun(X) -> X+1 end, Low)).

p9_2() ->
    T1 = p9_read("priv/p09.txt"),
    M = lists:foldl(fun({E,X,Y}, M) -> M#{{X,Y} => E} end, #{},  
    Low = [ R || {{X,Y}, E}=R <- maps:to_list(M), 
                 E < 10 andalso E < lists:min(maps:values(surround(X,Y,M))) ],
    Basins = [ maps:size(basin(M, #{K => E})) || {K, E} <- Low ],
    [A,B,C|_] = lists:reverse(lists:sort(Basins)),

basin(M, B) ->
    Exp = maps:fold(fun({X,Y},_,B1) ->
                            M1 = maps:filter(fun(_,E) -> E < 9 end, 
                    end, B, B),
    case Exp of
        B -> B;
        _ -> basin(M, Exp)

surround(X,Y,M) ->
    maps:with([{X-1,Y},{X+1,Y},{X,Y-1},{X,Y+1}], M).

mget(Key, M) ->
    {Key, maps:get(Key, M)}.

add_coords(LoL) ->
    H = length(LoL),
    W = length(hd(LoL)),
    [ [ {E, X, Y} || {E, X} <- lists:zip(L, lists:seq(1,W)) ] 
                       || {L, Y} <- lists:zip(LoL, lists:seq(1,H)) ].
p9_read(Fn) ->
    {ok, Bin} = file:read_file(Fn),
    border(10, [ [ C - $0 || <<C:8>> <= L ] 
                 || L <- string:split(string:trim(Bin), "\n", all) ]).
border(V, LoL) ->
   Len = length(hd(LoL)) + 2,
   Tb = lists:duplicate(Len, V),
   [Tb] ++ [ [V] ++ L ++ [V] || L <- LoL ] ++ [Tb].

sliding(N, L) when length(L) < N->
sliding(N, [_|R]=List) ->
    [element(1,lists:split(N, List))|sliding(N, R)].