This topic is about Day 12 of the Advent of Code 2022 .
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This topic is about Day 12 of the Advent of Code 2022 .
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Very similar to Day 15 of 2021, I took search
function I had there and modified it a bit, turned out quite well:
main(File) ->
{ok, RawData} = file:read_file(File),
Data = [ [ X || X <- binary_to_list(Line) ]
|| Line <- binary:split(RawData, <<"\n">>, [global, trim]) ],
Map = load(Data),
io:format("part 1: ~p~n", [solve1(Map)]),
io:format("part 2: ~p~n", [solve2(Map)]).
load(Data) ->
maps:from_list([ {{X, Y}, N} || {Y, Line} <- enum(Data),
{X, N} <- enum(Line) ]).
enum(List) ->
lists:zip(lists:seq(1, length(List)), List).
solve1(Map) ->
search([$S], Map).
solve2(Map) ->
search([$S, $a], Map).
search(StartingSquares, Map) ->
Start = [ {0, S, $a} || {S, X} <- maps:to_list(Map), lists:member(X, StartingSquares) ],
[End] = [ E || {E, $E} <- maps:to_list(Map) ],
MaxCoord = lists:max(maps:keys(Map)),
search(Start, End, MaxCoord, #{}, inf, Map).
search([], _, _, _Seen, Best, _) ->
search([{Len, End, _}|Rest], End, MaxCoord, Seen, Best, Map) when Len < Best ->
NewBest = case Len < Best of
true -> Len;
false -> Best
search(Rest, End, MaxCoord, Seen, NewBest, Map);
search([{Len, Coord, Value}|Rest], End, MaxCoord, Seen, Best, Map) ->
case Len >= Best of
true -> search(Rest, End, MaxCoord, Seen, Best, Map);
false ->
NewSeen = Seen#{Coord => ok},
ToFollow = lists:sort([ {Len + 1, C, NewValue} || C <- adjacent_coords(Coord, MaxCoord, NewSeen),
(Value + 1) >= (NewValue = to_val(maps:get(C, Map))) ]),
search(ordsets:union(ToFollow, Rest), End, MaxCoord, NewSeen, Best, Map)
to_val($E) -> $z;
to_val($S) -> $a;
to_val(X) -> X.
adjacent_coords({X, Y}, {EndX, EndY}, Seen) ->
[ {A, B} || {A, B} <- [{X + 1, Y},
{X, Y + 1},
{X - 1, Y},
{X, Y - 1}],
A =< EndX, B =< EndY,
A >= 1, B >= 1,
not maps:is_key({A, B}, Seen) ].