Advent of Code 2022 Day 15 - Discussion

This topic is about Day 15 of the Advent of Code 2022 .

Link to our leaderboard:

The entry code is:

Good luck!


Not the most optimal solution, takes about 3.5s on my machine to compute, but does the job anyway :slight_smile: :

main(File) ->
    {ok, RawData} = file:read_file(File),
    Data = [ begin
                 [Xs, Ys, Xb, Yb] = get_integers(X),
                 Sensor = {Xs, Ys},
                 Beacon = {Xb, Yb},
                 {Sensor, Beacon, distance(Sensor, Beacon)}
             end || X <- binary:split(RawData, <<"\n">>, [global, trim]) ],
    io:format("part 1: ~p~n", [solve1(Data)]),
    io:format("part 2: ~p~n", [solve2(Data)]).

get_integers(Bin) ->
    {match, Match} = re:run(Bin, <<"([-\\d]+)">>, [{capture, all_but_first, binary}, global]),
    [ binary_to_integer(X) || [X] <- Match ].

solve1(Data) ->
    ordsets:size(ordsets:union([ empty_positions(X, 2000000) || X <- Data ])).

solve2(Data) ->
    {X, Y} = find_empty_coordinate(0, 0, Data, 4000000),
    X * 4000000 + Y.

find_empty_coordinate(X, Y, Map, Limit) when X =< Limit, Y =< Limit ->
    case first_edge(X, Y, Map) of
        {ok, NewX} when NewX >= Limit -> find_empty_coordinate(0,        Y + 1, Map, Limit);
        {ok, NewX}                    -> find_empty_coordinate(NewX + 1, Y,     Map, Limit);
        false                         -> {X, Y}

first_edge(_, _, []) -> false;
first_edge(X, Y, [{{Xs, Ys}, _, Distance}|Rest]) ->
    DotDistance = abs(Xs - X) + abs(Ys - Y),
    case DotDistance > Distance of
        true  -> first_edge(X, Y, Rest);
        false -> {ok, Xs + (Distance - abs(Ys - Y))}

empty_positions({{Xs, Ys}, {Xb, Yb}, Distance}, Y) ->
    YDistance = abs(Ys - Y),
    case YDistance > Distance of
        true  -> [];
        false ->
            S0 = lists:seq(Xs - (Distance - YDistance), Xs + (Distance - YDistance)),
            case Yb of
                Y -> S0 -- [Xb];
                _ -> S0

distance({X1, Y1}, {X2, Y2}) ->
    abs(X1 - X2) + abs(Y1 - Y2).
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