Advent of Code 2022 Day 18 - Discussions

This topic is about Day 18 of the Advent of Code 2022 .

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Neat challenge today, tried to be “clever” at part two and thought I can do a search following cubes and see if it’s part of trapped bubble or not, but abandoned it in favour of just figuring out all “surface” cubes and then checking against when doing the surface calculation:

main(File) ->
    {ok, RawData} = file:read_file(File),
    Data0 = [ begin
                 [A, B, C] = binary:split(X, <<",">>, [global, trim]),
                 {binary_to_integer(A), binary_to_integer(B), binary_to_integer(C)}
              end || X <- binary:split(RawData, <<"\n">>, [global, trim]) ],
    Data = sets:from_list(Data0, [{version, 2}]),
    io:format("part 1: ~p~n", [solve1(Data)]),
    io:format("part 2: ~p~n", [solve2(Data)]).

solve1(Data) ->
    lists:foldl(fun (C, Acc) ->
                    Acc + length(exposed_sides(C, Data))
                end, 0, sets:to_list(Data)).

solve2(Data) ->
    Confines = confines(sets:to_list(Data)),
    Exposed  = exposed_cubes(Confines, Data),
    lists:foldl(fun (C, Acc) ->
                    ES = exposed_sides(C, Data),
                    Acc + length(ES) - length([ E || E <- ES, not sets:is_element(E, Exposed) ])
                end, 0, sets:to_list(Data)).

exposed_sides({X, Y, Z}, Map) ->
    Coords = [
        {X - 1, Y, Z},
        {X + 1, Y, Z},
        {X, Y - 1, Z},
        {X, Y + 1, Z},
        {X, Y, Z - 1},
        {X, Y, Z + 1}
    [ C || C <- Coords, not is_map_key(C, Map) ].

is_within_confines({X, Y, Z}, {X1, X2, Y1, Y2, Z1, Z2})
  when X >= X1 - 1, X =< X2 + 1, Y >= Y1 - 1, Y =< Y2 + 1, Z >= Z1 - 1, Z =< Z2 + 1 ->
is_within_confines(_, _) ->

exposed_cubes(Confines, Map) ->
    Start = {0, 0, 0},
    exposed_cubes([Start], Confines, Map, sets:new([{version, 2}])).

exposed_cubes([], _, _, Acc)                -> Acc;
exposed_cubes([C|Rest], Confines, Set, Acc) ->
    ToFollow = [ E || E <- exposed_sides(C, Set),
                           not sets:is_element(E, Acc),
                           is_within_confines(C, Confines) ],
    exposed_cubes(ordsets:union(Rest, ordsets:from_list(ToFollow)), Confines, Set, sets:add_element(C, Acc)).

confines(Data) ->
    {Xs, Ys, Zs} = lists:unzip3(Data),
    MinX = lists:min(Xs),
    MaxX = lists:max(Xs),
    MinY = lists:min(Ys),
    MaxY = lists:max(Ys),
    MinZ = lists:min(Zs),
    MaxZ = lists:max(Zs),
    {MinX, MaxX, MinY, MaxY, MinZ, MaxZ}.

(@mafinar topic title is wrong, should be 18 not 19 :slight_smile: )


I wonder if I am failing to notice a button here? Because I can’t edit title :open_mouth: … is there not a way to do it @AstonJ or are my eyes playing tricks on me?


There’s a time limit on editing (to help prevent spam edits etc) but you can always message us to edit something for you :smiley: I’ve edited the day for ya :023:


Thanks- both of you for pointing and correcting the error. I was supposed to use Erlang this weekend again but the World Cup excitement took almost my time.

I’ll get back to Erlang from today. Basically optimize the Elixir and Clojure code done in haste (judging from past few days’ problems it would be needed a lot)

Thank you @danilagamma for sharing all your solutions here. I have learned so much Erlang from those.

Couldn’t be more glad for picking Erlang for AoC this year. It has been so much fun to code in (though I have to say Elixir is slightly more ergonomic- toolingwise)


Glad my solutions are being useful for something :grin:


Other than those beautiful :star2: :star2: ? :smiley: