Neat challenge today, tried to be “clever” at part two and thought I can do a search following cubes and see if it’s part of trapped bubble or not, but abandoned it in favour of just figuring out all “surface” cubes and then checking against when doing the surface calculation:
main(File) ->
{ok, RawData} = file:read_file(File),
Data0 = [ begin
[A, B, C] = binary:split(X, <<",">>, [global, trim]),
{binary_to_integer(A), binary_to_integer(B), binary_to_integer(C)}
end || X <- binary:split(RawData, <<"\n">>, [global, trim]) ],
Data = sets:from_list(Data0, [{version, 2}]),
io:format("part 1: ~p~n", [solve1(Data)]),
io:format("part 2: ~p~n", [solve2(Data)]).
solve1(Data) ->
lists:foldl(fun (C, Acc) ->
Acc + length(exposed_sides(C, Data))
end, 0, sets:to_list(Data)).
solve2(Data) ->
Confines = confines(sets:to_list(Data)),
Exposed = exposed_cubes(Confines, Data),
lists:foldl(fun (C, Acc) ->
ES = exposed_sides(C, Data),
Acc + length(ES) - length([ E || E <- ES, not sets:is_element(E, Exposed) ])
end, 0, sets:to_list(Data)).
exposed_sides({X, Y, Z}, Map) ->
Coords = [
{X - 1, Y, Z},
{X + 1, Y, Z},
{X, Y - 1, Z},
{X, Y + 1, Z},
{X, Y, Z - 1},
{X, Y, Z + 1}
[ C || C <- Coords, not is_map_key(C, Map) ].
is_within_confines({X, Y, Z}, {X1, X2, Y1, Y2, Z1, Z2})
when X >= X1 - 1, X =< X2 + 1, Y >= Y1 - 1, Y =< Y2 + 1, Z >= Z1 - 1, Z =< Z2 + 1 ->
is_within_confines(_, _) ->
exposed_cubes(Confines, Map) ->
Start = {0, 0, 0},
exposed_cubes([Start], Confines, Map, sets:new([{version, 2}])).
exposed_cubes([], _, _, Acc) -> Acc;
exposed_cubes([C|Rest], Confines, Set, Acc) ->
ToFollow = [ E || E <- exposed_sides(C, Set),
not sets:is_element(E, Acc),
is_within_confines(C, Confines) ],
exposed_cubes(ordsets:union(Rest, ordsets:from_list(ToFollow)), Confines, Set, sets:add_element(C, Acc)).
confines(Data) ->
{Xs, Ys, Zs} = lists:unzip3(Data),
MinX = lists:min(Xs),
MaxX = lists:max(Xs),
MinY = lists:min(Ys),
MaxY = lists:max(Ys),
MinZ = lists:min(Zs),
MaxZ = lists:max(Zs),
{MinX, MaxX, MinY, MaxY, MinZ, MaxZ}.
(@mafinar topic title is wrong, should be 18 not 19 )