Greetings, Erlang adventurers! Ukrainian Erlanger is here!
Today’s challenge, Day 10, takes us to a Lava Production Facility floating in the sky.
As we help a hard-hat-wearing reindeer uncover hiking trails, it’s time to tackle some topographic analysis with the power of Erlang!
The task: Calculate the sum of the scores for all trailheads on the map by finding valid hiking trails that start at height 0
and end at height 9
. This involves tracing paths step-by-step, ensuring a smooth and steady upward slope.
Tips for tackling Day 10:
- Parse the map carefully into a format that makes navigation simple - perhaps a 2D array or coordinate map.
- Use recursive functions or BFS(Breadth-First Search)/DFS(Depth-First Search) to explore valid hiking trails from each trailhead.
- Keep track of visited nodes to avoid retracing steps or unnecessary computations.
Motivation for today:
Every journey starts with a single step. Let’s map out these trails, solve the puzzle, and Beam together!
Share your solutions, challenges, and insights below. Whether you’re blazing through trails or debugging tricky paths, this is your space to collaborate and learn.
Happy coding, and may your hikes always reach new heights!