Hello, Erlangers! Ukrainian Erlanger is here! Day 7 of Advent of Code 2024 is live, and the challenge is waiting for us!
Let’s dive into the problem and show how Erlang’s functional and concurrent capabilities can shine.
As always, this thread is a place to share your approaches, solutions, or any hurdles you’re facing. Whether you’ve cracked it or are stuck on an edge case, we’re all here to support and learn together!
Tips for Day 7:
- Carefully read the problem description - details matter more than ever as challenges get more complex.
- Break the problem into smaller, manageable functions to make debugging easier.
- Don’t forget to optimize if you find your solution isn’t performing well - Erlang’s efficiency can save the day.
Motivation for today:
No problem is insurmountable with patience and a clear mind. Let’s solve, learn, and BEAM together!
Share your solutions, progress, or just your thoughts about today’s challenge. Let’s keep the momentum going and make Day 7 another memorable day for the Erlang community!
Happy coding, and may your recursion always terminate!