Here’s mine. Once again, I decided not to produce a list matrix and instead operate on indices, using simple arithmetic to get columns and rows when needed.
Finally got to use some new functions from standard libs. That was a really fun problem to solve.
main(File) ->
{ok, Input} = file:read_file(File),
{Data, Cols, Len} = process_input(Input),
Rows = Len div Cols,
Antennas = maps:groups_from_list(fun({Frequency, _}) -> Frequency end, fun({_, Index}) -> Index end, Data),
Pairs = maps:fold(fun(_, Value, Acc) -> Acc ++ combinations(Value) end, [], Antennas),
PairedAntennas = maps:fold(fun(_, Value, Acc) when length(Value) > 1 -> Acc ++ Value end, [], Antennas),
Solution1 = length(lists:uniq(get_antinodes(Pairs, {Cols, Rows}, 1))),
Solution2 = length(lists:uniq(get_antinodes(Pairs, {Cols, Rows}, -1) ++ PairedAntennas)),
process_input(Input) ->
process_input(Input, 0, [], -1).
process_input(<<>>, Index, Output, LineLen) ->
{Output, LineLen, Index};
process_input(<<H,T/binary>>, Index, Output, LineLen) ->
case H of
$\n ->
Len = case LineLen of -1 -> Index; _ -> LineLen end,
process_input(T, Index, Output, Len);
$. ->
process_input(T, Index+1, Output, LineLen);
_ ->
process_input(T, Index+1, [{H, Index}|Output], LineLen)
combinations([]) -> [];
combinations([H|T]) -> [{X, H} || X <- T] ++ combinations(T).
get_antinodes(Pairs, Grid, Steps) ->
get_antinodes(Pairs, Grid, Steps, []).
get_antinodes([], _, _, Antinodes) ->
get_antinodes([{X, Y} | T], {_, Cols} = Grid, Steps, Antinodes) ->
XCol = X rem Cols,
XRow = X div Cols,
YCol = Y rem Cols,
YRow = Y div Cols,
ColDelta = YCol - XCol,
RowDelta = YRow - XRow,
Antinodes ++ extrapolate_antinodes(Grid, {XRow, XCol}, {RowDelta, ColDelta}, Steps) ++ extrapolate_antinodes(Grid, {YRow, YCol}, {-RowDelta, -ColDelta}, Steps)
extrapolate_antinodes(Grid, Pos, Delta, Iters) ->
extrapolate_antinodes(Grid, Pos, Delta, Iters, []).
extrapolate_antinodes(_, _, _, 0, Antinodes) ->
extrapolate_antinodes({_, Cols} = Grid, {Row, Col}, {RowDelta, ColDelta} = Delta, Iters, Antinodes) ->
Pos = {Row - RowDelta, Col - ColDelta},
case in_bounds(Grid, Pos) of
true -> extrapolate_antinodes(Grid, Pos, Delta, Iters - 1, [to_index(Cols, Pos) | Antinodes]);
false -> Antinodes
in_bounds({Rows, Cols}, {Row, Col}) ->
(Row >= 0) andalso (Row < Rows) andalso (Col >= 0) andalso (Col < Cols).
to_index(Cols, {Row, Col}) -> Row * Cols + Col.