AI & Erlang

I’m interesting about if something change with erlang has happened after GPTChat come out
If there are any interesting project with AI?
If you don’t mine, share your experience here :wink:


You might find this book interesting Dominic:

And on the Elixir front there is Nx



Read the book. I enjoyed it and found it to be very good. The example code is available and does work. The only item really missing from the book would be a “how to” put the generated networks into production code for use. Still playing with that and hopefully making some progress.


I have implemented Genetic Programming in Erlang and found it a very good fit. While it works pretty well, my code is definitely not ready to put out for the world to see yet.


Maybe you could pitch the idea of a book to our friends at PragProg or Manning? :003:

This thread may also be of interest for anyone wanting to use Nx in Erlang or other BEAM languages:

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