Anyone know where I can find the paper about the Erlang learning curve?

Hi all,
I came across a research paper in the past about the Erlang learning curve, which indicated that experienced programmers find it harder to learn Erlang compared to recent computer science graduates. The paper suggested that unlearning the procedural paradigm takes time, which is why experienced programmers took longer to learn Erlang. Today, I tried to find that paper but couldn’t locate it. Does anyone know where I can find it?


Hi! :wave: Maybe this one -

It took an experienced software developer who attended the same courses three months. They picked up Erlang easily, but had to spend more time unlearning their previous programming paradigms and embrace the Erlang way. Code reviews and mentorship in this phase were critical. When we say productive, we obviously mean productive in their respective levels of seniority.


Thanks a lot for sharing the great link! However, I think what I read before was a research paper.

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