Attempt to use jiffy results in _nif_init not found in

I’ve been using jiffy without problems, but recently, after building my server I get:
exception exit: {on_load_function_failed,jiffy, {error, {bad_lib, "Failed to find library init function: '/home/oleg/Projects/push_to_talk_server/_build/prod/rel/ptt_server/lib/jiffy-1.1.2/priv/ undefined symbol: _nif_init'"}}}
The server is generated using rebar3. My current setup is the latest Ubuntu, rebar 3.20.0 on Erlang/OTP 27 Erts 15.1.2

And rebar.config deps, uses:
{jiffy, ".*", {git, "", {tag, "1.1.2"}}}
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Compatibility between Rebar3 and Erlang/OTP

Thanks. I should RTFM more often and more closely.