Benchmarking of maps and the proposed lists:uniq/1

UPDATE: This post has been edited because the uniq_all_at_once/1 is broken. See below.

I wanted to share the results of some benchmarking I’ve done as part of evaluating the proposed lists:uniq/1 function.

First I compared two functions that create a map in two different ways. This one creates a map by adding one element at a time to an initially empty map:

one_by_one(Data) ->
    one_by_one(Data, #{}).

one_by_one([Key|T], Map) ->
    one_by_one(T, Map#{Key => {Key, Key+1}});
one_by_one([], Map) ->

The other one creates a list of {Key, Value} pairs and then turns it into a map using maps:from_list/1:

all_at_once(Data) ->
    all_at_once(Data, []).

all_at_once([Key|T], Acc) ->
    all_at_once(T, [{Key, Key+1}|Acc]);
all_at_once([], Acc) ->

So which one is fastest? Here is the result from the benchmark run (using Erlang/OTP 24.2):

1> mbench:run().
generated 2000000 data items
one_by_one/1        : 1.825983
all_at_once/1       : 0.504215

Before all of you start rewriting of all map updating code :grin:, note that the map in the benchmark had two million elements. Unless your code regularly have to handle that many elements or if part of a frequently used library or the Erlang compiler, you probably don’t have to worry about the performance difference.

I then turned to benchmarking two possible implementations of lists:uniq/1. Here is the first, similar to the one proposed by @cons in the pull request:

uniq_one_by_one(L) ->
    uniq_one_by_one(L, #{}).

uniq_one_by_one([X|Xs], M) ->
    case is_map_key(X, M) of
        true ->
            uniq_one_by_one(Xs, M);
        false ->
            [X|uniq_one_by_one(Xs, M#{X => true})]
uniq_one_by_one([], _) ->

The other one constructs the map by using maps:from_keys/1 in one go (UPDATED: but it is wrong):

uniq_all_at_once(L) ->
    M = maps:from_keys(L, true),
    uniq_all_at_once(L, M).

uniq_all_at_once([X|Xs], M) ->
    case is_map_key(X, M) of
        true ->
            uniq_all_at_once(Xs, M);
        false ->
            [X|uniq_all_at_once(Xs, M)]
uniq_all_at_once([], _) ->

(UPDATED: is_map_key/1 will always return true, so the result will always be [].)

Based on the previous benchmarking of map creation, it is no surprise that uniq_all_at_once/1 is almost three times as fast (UPDATE: an incorrect program can run arbitrarily fast):

uniq_one_by_one/1   : 1.942674
uniq_all_at_once/1  : 0.736359

However, those results were produced with an input list where all items are unique. If I change the input list to two million identical elements, uniq_one_by_one/1 is the winner:

uniq_one_by_one/1   : 0.007935
uniq_all_at_once/1  : 0.085007

Therefore, in my opinion, if lists:uniq/1 is to be included in the lists module, the implementation should be based on uniq_one_by_one/1.

Finally, I wanted to know how those implementations compared to lists:usort/1, which can be used if you don’t care about the order of the elements. So I added this function to the benchmark:

uniq_by_usort(L) ->

Here are the results:

uniq_one_by_one/1   : 1.942674
uniq_by_usort/1     : 0.030334

Seeing that sorting can make the unique operation an order of magnitude faster, I then tried to implement uniq/1 by sorting while still keeping the order:

uniq_by_sofs(L0) ->
    L = number(L0, 0),
    S0 = sofs:relation(L),
    S1 = sofs:relation_to_family(S0),
    S2 = sofs:converse(S1),
    S3 = sofs:to_external(S2),
    [E || {_,E} <- S3].

number([H|T], N) ->
    [{H,N}|number(T, N+1)];
number([], _) ->

When all elements in the input list are unique, uniq_by_sofs/1 turned out to be the fastest function:

uniq_one_by_one/1   : 1.934827
uniq_by_sofs/1      : 0.534989

When all elements are identical, uniq_one_by_one/1 is again the winner:

uniq_one_by_one/1   : 0.007935
uniq_by_sofs/1      : 0.349756

Here is my benchmark module:


Hummm… I don’t think uniq_all_at_once/1 will work as expected.
I bet it will always return [] since is_map_key(X, M) will always return true.


Yes, you are right, of course.

Note to self: Always add test cases for the functions I benchmark. If it isn’t tested, it doesn’t work.


I wonder if this approach could work:

  1. Pair all elements in the list with their index. So [a, b, c] becomes [[a | 0], [b | 1], [c | 2]]

  2. Perform a usort on the head of the list

  3. Perform a sort on the tail of the list

  4. Now traverse the original list matching indexes on the sorted list. Something like:

     keep_indexed([H | T], I, [[_ | I] | Is]) ->
       [H | keep_indexed(T, I + 1, Is)];
     keep_indexed([_ | T], I, Is) ->
       keep_indexed(T, I + 1, Is);
     keep_indexed([], _I, []) ->

Perhaps this is what sofs is doing?

Step 1 is going to add additional processing but it could be handled by a usort_index implementation that adds the indexes as you traverse, instead of requiring a pre-pass.

Another approach is to have a slightly modified usort_indexes that returns the indexes of the removed elements. The benefit is that you can do a quick Removed =:= [] to check if you should return the original list as is.


Here is a naive implementation:

uniq_indexes(L0) ->
    L1 = add_index(L0, 0),
    L2 = lists:usort(fun([A|_], [B|_]) -> A =< B end, L1),
    L3 = lists:sort(fun([_|A], [_|B]) -> A =< B end, L2),
    take_indexed(L0, 0, L3).

add_index([H | T], I) -> [[H | I] | add_index(T, I + 1)];
add_index([], _I) -> [].

take_indexed([H | T], I, [[_ | I] | Is]) ->
    [H | take_indexed(T, I + 1, Is)];
take_indexed([_ | T], I, Is) ->
    take_indexed(T, I + 1, Is);
take_indexed([], _I, []) ->

Here are the results:

benchmarking 2000000 data items
uniq_indexes/1      : 0.629356
uniq_one_by_one/1   : 2.724498
uniq_by_sofs/1      : 0.740294
uniq_by_usort/1     : 0.042347
uniq_by_usort/2     : 0.077485

uniq_by_usort/2 is calling usort/2 cause I wanted to measure the cost of the anonymous function.

If all elements are equal, then it behaves poorly:

benchmarking 2000000 data items
uniq_indexes/1      : 0.449931
uniq_one_by_one/1   : 0.009655
uniq_by_sofs/1      : 0.410562
uniq_by_usort/1     : 0.010609
uniq_by_usort/2     : 0.026661

It even performs worse than sofs but it is much better than sofs for small collections.

I have also added a benchmark where half of the elements are different and half is unique:

uniq_indexes/1      : 0.871175
uniq_one_by_one/1   : 2.727809
uniq_by_sofs/1      : 2.753117
uniq_by_usort/1     : 0.042967
uniq_by_usort/2     : 0.084409

Some basic profiling shows that 1/6 of the time is spent on add_index, 2/6 on take_indexes, and the rest in the sort operations. Part of the 1/6 can likely be squeezed by reimplementing the initial steps of usort to sort and index, and then delegating to the rest to ufmergel and rufmergel.


Interesting. In the “half/half” case uniq_indexes is much faster than the other two. I guess that is because it throws away so many elements in the first sorting pass, so the second sorting pass has much less work to do.


Here is the merging of add_indexed with the first pass of usort in uniq_indexes:

benchmarking 2000000 data items
uniq_indexes/1      : 0.420352
uniq_one_by_one/1   : 2.808513
uniq_by_sofs/1      : 0.752575
uniq_by_usort/1     : 0.034249
uniq_by_usort/2     : 0.07497

All equal:

benchmarking 2000000 data items
uniq_indexes/1      : 0.009649
uniq_one_by_one/1   : 0.00919
uniq_by_sofs/1      : 0.501969
uniq_by_usort/1     : 0.011112
uniq_by_usort/2     : 0.035831

Implementation here (to be added into the lists module as it uses private functions).

%% uniq/1

uniq([X, Y | L] = L0) when X < Y ->
    case L of
        [] ->
        [Z] when X == Z; Y == Z ->
            [X, Y];
        [Z] ->
            [X, Y, Z];
        _ ->
          uniq_indexed(L0, uisplit_1([X|0], [Y|1], L, [], [], 2))
uniq([X, Y | L] = L0) when X > Y ->
    case L of
        [] ->
            [X, Y];
        [Z] when X == Z; Y == Z ->
            [X, Y];
        [Z] ->
            [X, Y, Z];
        _ ->
            uniq_indexed(L0, uisplit_2([X|0], [Y|1], L, [], [], 2))
uniq([X, _Y | L] = L0) ->
    uniq_indexed(L0, uisort_1(X, L, 2));
uniq([X]) ->
uniq([]) ->

uniq_indexed(L0, Indexed) ->
  Sorted = sort(fun([_|A], [_|B]) -> A =< B end, Indexed),
  take_indexed(L0, 0, Sorted).

take_indexed([H | T], I, [[_ | I] | Is]) ->
    [H | take_indexed(T, I + 1, Is)];
take_indexed([_ | T], I, Is) ->
    take_indexed(T, I + 1, Is);
take_indexed([], _I, []) ->

uisort_1(X, [Y | L], I) when X == Y ->
    uisort_1(X, L, I + 1);
uisort_1(X, [Y | L], I) when X < Y ->
    uisplit_1([X|0], [Y|I], L, [], [], I + 1);
uisort_1(X, [Y | L], I) ->
    uisplit_2([X|0], [Y|I], L, [], [], I + 1);
uisort_1(X, [], _I) ->

%% This is a version of usort that splits and indexes at once.

uisplit_1(X, Y, [Z | L], R, Rs, I) when Z > hd(Y) ->
    uisplit_1(Y, [Z | I], L, [X | R], Rs, I + 1);
uisplit_1(X, Y, [Z | L], R, Rs, I) when Z == hd(Y) ->
    uisplit_1(X, Y, L, R, Rs, I + 1);
uisplit_1(X, Y, [Z | L], R, Rs, I) when Z > hd(X) ->
    uisplit_1([Z | I], Y, L, [X | R], Rs, I + 1);
uisplit_1(X, Y, [Z | L], R, Rs, I) when Z == hd(X) ->
    uisplit_1(X, Y, L, R, Rs, I + 1);
uisplit_1(X, Y, [Z | L], [], Rs, I) ->
    uisplit_1(X, Y, L, [[Z | I]], Rs, I + 1);
uisplit_1(X, Y, [Z | L], R, Rs, I) ->
    uisplit_1_1(X, Y, L, R, Rs, [Z | I], I + 1);
uisplit_1(X, Y, [], R, Rs, _I) ->
    rufmergel([[Y, X | R] | Rs], [], fun([A|_], [B|_]) -> A =< B end).

uisplit_1_1(X, Y, [Z | L], R, Rs, S, I) when Z > hd(Y) ->
    uisplit_1_1(Y, [Z | I], L, [X | R], Rs, S, I + 1);
uisplit_1_1(X, Y, [Z | L], R, Rs, S, I) when Z == hd(Y) ->
    uisplit_1_1(X, Y, L, R, Rs, S, I + 1);
uisplit_1_1(X, Y, [Z | L], R, Rs, S, I) when Z > hd(X) ->
    uisplit_1_1([Z | I], Y, L, [X | R], Rs, S, I + 1);
uisplit_1_1(X, Y, [Z | L], R, Rs, S, I) when Z == hd(X) ->
    uisplit_1_1(X, Y, L, R, Rs, S, I + 1);
uisplit_1_1(X, Y, [Z | L], R, Rs, S, I) when Z > hd(S) ->
    uisplit_1(S, [Z | I], L, [], [[Y, X | R] | Rs], I + 1);
uisplit_1_1(X, Y, [Z | L], R, Rs, S, I) when Z == hd(S) ->
    uisplit_1_1(X, Y, L, R, Rs, S, I + 1);
uisplit_1_1(X, Y, [Z | L], R, Rs, S, I) ->
    uisplit_1([Z | I], S, L, [], [[Y, X | R] | Rs], I + 1);
uisplit_1_1(X, Y, [], R, Rs, S, _I) ->
    rufmergel([[S], [Y, X | R] | Rs], [], fun([A|_], [B|_]) -> A =< B end).

%% Descending.
uisplit_2(X, Y, [Z | L], R, Rs, I) when Z < hd(Y) ->
    uisplit_2(Y, [Z | I], L, [X | R], Rs, I + 1);
uisplit_2(X, Y, [Z | L], R, Rs, I) when Z == hd(Y) ->
    uisplit_2(X, Y, L, R, Rs, I + 1);
uisplit_2(X, Y, [Z | L], R, Rs, I) when Z < hd(X) ->
    uisplit_2([Z | I], Y, L, [X | R], Rs, I + 1);
uisplit_2(X, Y, [Z | L], R, Rs, I) when Z == hd(X) ->
    uisplit_2(X, Y, L, R, Rs, I + 1);
uisplit_2(X, Y, [Z | L], [], Rs, I) ->
    uisplit_2(X, Y, L, [[Z | I]], Rs, I + 1);
uisplit_2(X, Y, [Z | L], R, Rs, I) ->
    uisplit_2_1(X, Y, L, R, Rs, [Z | I], I + 1);
uisplit_2(X, Y, [], R, Rs, _I) ->
    ufmergel([[Y, X | R] | Rs], [], fun([A|_], [B|_]) -> A =< B end).

uisplit_2_1(X, Y, [Z | L], R, Rs, S, I) when Z < hd(Y) ->
    uisplit_2_1(Y, [Z | I], L, [X | R], Rs, S, I + 1);
uisplit_2_1(X, Y, [Z | L], R, Rs, S, I) when Z == hd(Y) ->
    uisplit_2_1(X, Y, L, R, Rs, S, I + 1);
uisplit_2_1(X, Y, [Z | L], R, Rs, S, I) when Z < hd(X) ->
    uisplit_2_1([Z | I], Y, L, [X | R], Rs, S, I + 1);
uisplit_2_1(X, Y, [Z | L], R, Rs, S, I) when Z == hd(X) ->
    uisplit_2_1(X, Y, L, R, Rs, S, I + 1);
uisplit_2_1(X, Y, [Z | L], R, Rs, S, I) when Z < hd(S) ->
    uisplit_2(S, [Z | I], L, [], [[Y, X | R] | Rs], I + 1);
uisplit_2_1(X, Y, [Z | L], R, Rs, S, I) when Z == hd(S) ->
    uisplit_2_1(X, Y, L, R, Rs, S, I + 1);
uisplit_2_1(X, Y, [Z | L], R, Rs, S, I) ->
    uisplit_2([Z | I], S, L, [], [[Y, X | R] | Rs], I + 1);
uisplit_2_1(X, Y, [], R, Rs, S, _I) ->
    ufmergel([[S], [Y, X | R] | Rs], [], fun([A|_], [B|_]) -> A =< B end).

Disclaimer: I have only ran very limited tests! There are probably more optimizations but duplicating all of usort is likely too much.


Very nice speed up of the sort-based uniq, but I am not sure that we would to add that much extra code the lists module. I couldn’t resist thinking about whether some of the pathological cases could be eliminated using less code and came up with the following (now added to my mbench module):

uniq_indexes(L0) ->
    L1 = add_index(L0, 0, []),
    L2 = lists:usort(fun([_|A], [_|B]) -> A =< B end, L1),
    L3 = lists:sort(L2),
    take_indexed(L0, 0, L3).

add_index([H1 | T], I, [[_ | H2] | _]=Acc) when H1 == H2 ->
    add_index(T, I + 1, Acc);
add_index([H | T], I, Acc) ->
    add_index(T, I + 1, [[I | H] | Acc]);
add_index([], _I, Acc) ->

take_indexed([H | T], I, [[I | _] | Is]) ->
    [H | take_indexed(T, I + 1, Is)];
take_indexed([_ | T], I, [_ | _]=Is) ->
    take_indexed(T, I + 1, Is);
take_indexed([_ | _], _I, []) ->
take_indexed([], _I, []) ->

I did the following modifications:

  • I modified add_index to remove consecutive duplicate elements.

  • I placed the index in the head so that the second sort could be done without using a sorting fun.

  • I modified take_indexed to stop immeditely when the second list becomes empty.

Here are the results when all elements are equal:

uniq_one_by_one/1   : 0.007664
uniq_by_sofs/1      : 0.37169
uniq_indexes/1      : 0.00515
uniq_by_usort/1     : 0.007006

Unfortunately, my benchmark was broken in a way that favored the sort-based uniq. See my next post.


Unfortunately, my benchmark module generated a list sorted in descending order. That favored the sort-based implementations because the sorting became much cheaper (O(N) instead of O(N * log N)).

I have now updated the data generation to increase the randomness:

gen_data(Limit, Limit, Acc) ->
gen_data(N, Limit, Acc) ->
    Item = erlang:phash2(N),
    gen_data(N+1, Limit, [Item|Acc]).

Here are the new results:

uniq_one_by_one/1   : 1.970418
uniq_by_sofs/1      : 4.147654
uniq_indexes/1      : 3.922919
uniq_by_usort/1     : 0.462431

That is, the map-based implementation is about twice as fast as the sort-based implementations.

I also added @josevalim’s implementation to the lists module (on the master branch):

generated 2000000 data items
one_by_one/1        : 1.878218
all_at_once/1       : 0.582533
uniq_one_by_one/1   : 2.009027
uniq_by_sofs/1      : 3.837489
uniq_indexes/1      : 3.702631
lists:uniq/1        : 3.429415
uniq_by_usort/1     : 0.453432

@bjorng I posted a suggestion for an augmentation of the uniq function in the use cases thread: Uses cases? for proposed new lists functions - #10 by Maria-12648430. I think something like this is necessary to make uniq more than just superficially useful. At the same time, I fear that it will take a lot of the steam out of the pre-filled map approaches discussed here, or make them impossible even (sorry :sweat_smile:).


Nothing to be sorry for. After many twists and turns, the simple map-based solution (uniq_one_by_one/1 in the first post) turned out to be fastest implementation in general and that implementation can easily be extended to take a fun.