Elixir version. 1.16.3
OTP Version: 26.2.5
I have a custom CLI that is no longer working after upgrading to OTP 26. The up arrow that gets the previous commands does not work anymore, and I am looking for some help to fix it. I have also posted this on the elixir forum: Command history on custom CLI not working with OTP 26, but was with OTP 25 - Questions / Help - Elixir Programming Language Forum
I have created a slimmed down version of my custom CLI to show and reproduce the problem: alanj853/cli_test: Test repo for reproducing problems with OTP 26 (github.com)
Here are the steps (they are also in the readme of that repo):
- Clone this repo and run install the following elixir and erlang versions using asdf
asdf install erlang 25.3.2
asdf install erlang 26.2.5
asdf install elixir 1.16.3-otp-25
asdf install elixir 1.16.3-otp-26
- First try with OTP 25.
asdf local erlang 25.3.2
asdf local elixir 1.16.3-otp-25
- Run “iex -S mix” This should launch you into the custom CLI
- Type the command “hello” You should get response “world”
- Now press the up arrow on the keyboard to get the “hello” command again
Expected result: “hello” command should come up on the prompt
Actual result: On OTP 25, the up arrow does as expected:
Welcome to the CLI
myprompt> hello
myprompt> hello
- Now try with OTP 26
asdf local erlang 26.2.5
asdf local elixir 1.16.3-otp-26
- Run “iex -S mix” This should launch you into the custom CLI
- Type the command “hello” You should get response “world”
- Now press the up arrow on the keyboard to get the “hello” command again
Expected result: “hello” command should come up on the prompt
Actual result: On OTP 26, the up arrow seemingly does nothing
Welcome to the CLI
myprompt> hello