So, I’m getting close to finishing a pretty big project, but the last thing that is missing is proper tests. I’ve had some tests, but as my code has become more “stable”, and I’m getting deeper into integrating my project, I want to have a reasonable test suite. My goal is to do better integration and coverage tests. I already have some eunit tests, and pairing that with coverage testing has helped me uncover some issues.
My application does a lot of interprocess communication, so to test one app means having another running. I thought common tests would be the answer, but it does not do any of the application startup, nor can I get it to work. I’ve been able to rebar3 shell
into my project and run my common tests with success, but the documentation hasn’t been helpful for me, and I don’t know how to say, run rebar3 eunit .... --cover
and combine it with other coverage data, or even shell in, start cover and have it collect data.
Am I just wasting my time here? Or is there some way I can do full application testing and have it spit out the coverage data? I’ve been using rebar3 a lot to do a lot of the work.