Hi there, I’m trying to wrap my head around the Erlang compilation and tried to decompile a .beam file to core erlang:
{ok, {_module, [{abstract_code, {_Backend, AbstractCode}}]}} =
beam_lib:chunks(Path, [abstract_code]),
{ok, _Module, Ast} = compile:noenv_forms(AbstractCode, [to_core]),
and compile it back:
{ok, _Module, Beam} = compile:noenv_forms(Ast, [from_core]),
And it looks like it works - I can load and use the compiled beam. However, when I try to decompile it again the same way, I get
exception error: no match of right hand side value
in function erl_eval:expr/6 (erl_eval.erl, line 652)
in call from erl_eval:exprs/6 (erl_eval.erl, line 271)
Is my approach right? Is it possible to decompile to core and back multiple times? What’s necessary for the decompilation to work?