Erlang Naming Conventions - for a simple-one-for-one supervisor whose child is a supervisor?

What is the naming convention for a simple-one-for-one supervisor whose child is a supervisor?

A simple example could be that I have a tcp_session process that is supervised by a tcp_session_sup process. The tcp_session_sup has additional children for assisting with the TCP session. I am going to have multiple TCP sessions that are going to be created dynamically. So, I’d like to create a simple_one_for_one supervisor to spin off TCP sessions. What should I name this supervisor, tcp_session_sup_sup??



I don’t think there is a convention, but in the absence of a better name, yes, that is what is done most of the time :woman_shrugging: Erlangers are a pretty pragmatic folk I guess :sweat_smile:


In your particular example you could name the top supervisor tcp_sessions_sup since it supervises multiple sessions as opposed to a single session. It follows that the supervisor for a single session could be named tcp_session_sup as it already is.

When I have similar problems this is usually a symptom of the fact that I have not thoroughly thought out the way in which to decompose the particular problem I’m trying to solve.


When is doubt… just don’t name it. After all, what is the purpose of naming a process?


Is this about naming the module or naming a process? :thinking:


I understood it as naming the module. @joseph?

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Yes, this is about naming a process. I appreciate the insights. I like the idea of tcp_sessions_sup, and will move down that path. It is also good to know that it won’t be viewed as crazy if a module ends up being named *_sup_sup, but it makes sense to view that as possible a gap in my solution.


You have to be careful if you name a process after the module running as it restricts to having only ONE instance of that process as the name is unique. I know it is common to do it but avoid it as a rule.

In this case who as started the tcp_sessions_sup_sup process?


This makes perfect sense. In my case, I am not naming supervisor processes. Instead, I am using pids for sending messages.

In this case a process running in the tcp_sup module started the process in the tcp_session_sup_sup module.

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There are two problems with naming processes.
One has been noted: only one process can have a
given name (that’s what it means to be a name).
Another is that naming destroys encapsulation.
If a process is not named, it can only receive
messages from a process to which its PID has been
communicated in a controlled way. If a process
is named, any process can send anything it likes
to its named victim.
One of the projects I did for SERC in Melbourne
was to come up with a scheme for module-local
process names, the -pidname declaration. The idea
was to have something intermediate between no-names
and node-global names. At the time, almost all uses
of process names in the OTP sources could have been
Obviously node-global names have their uses, just be
careful with them.

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