`erlang.org/download` and `rsync.erlang.org` seem to be broken (versions prior to OTP 17)

On https://www.erlang.org/downloads (note the plural s) OTP versions 17+ are listed. At the bottom of the list of versions, the following notice is displayed:

Older releases and a file containing MD5 checksums for all files in the download directory, also reachable through rsync rsync.erlang.org::erlang-download

The text “download directory” is a link to https://erlang.org/download (note the missing s) which appears to be a broken link. It appears rsync.erlang.org is down entirely:

$ nc -vzG5 rsync.erlang.org 22   
nc: connectx to rsync.erlang.org port 22 (tcp) failed: Operation timed out

https://erlang.org/download works for me, it has stuff back to R6B and 47.4.1 (R5 is missing though). I’m using Firefox at the moment.

The machine had an Internet connection outage from yesterday 14:41 until today 09:17 CET. We are trying to find out what happened.

The machine was up all the time and the failed connection shows in the logs.

Today Ericsson had a global outage about 09:40 to 10:55, CET. I have no idea yet what it was, but erlang.org was affected.