Guest Welcome Message

Welcome to the Erlang Forums!

Want to learn more about Erlang? The language that’s part of massive systems that underpin pretty much the entire internet?* A language that’s also been one of the best kept secrets of some of tech’s biggest giants?

If so you’re in the right place! Welcome to the brand new forums for Erlang and everything that runs on the Erlang VM! :sparkles:

As well as catering to the community’s more general needs we have a strong focus on learning, so if you’ve been curious about what makes Erlang so special, or are just embarking on your journey to learn it - join up - you’ll be in great company, and not only with those who may be starting out just like you, but with many who have real world experience scaling gigantic systems …and over decades too! :star_struck:

With new BEAM languages surfacing ever more frequently there really is no better time to jump aboard - there’s bound to be a flavour of Erlang that takes your fancy and it could just be what’s needed to take your app to the next level; faster, with smaller teams, and without the headache or financial commitment normally associated with such ambitious projects. If you like the sound of that why not sign up and join us, and be part of this exciting new era of Erlang evolution :hearts:

*90% of all internet traffic goes through Erlang controlled nodes (Cisco)