Help set up doom emacs set up to work with erlang

I installed emacs 30.0.91, installed erlang_ls. In the init.el file I enabled


(package! ivy)
(package! ivy-erlang-complete :recipe (:host github :repo "s-kostyaev/ivy-erlang-complete"))
(package! lsp-mode)
(package! lsp-ui)
(package! erlang)
(package! flycheck)
(package! flycheck-tip)
(package! flycheck-rebar3)

when I try to enable erlang-mode I get this error. Where else should I specify something?

flycheck-verify-checker: erlang-otp is not a syntax checker

:lang erlang is pretty bare-bones, since not many DOOMers use Erlang. In particular, the README specifies Sourcer as the language server, when I believe lsp-mode has now moved to erlang_LS.

That said, I am concerned by your config. That is not how packages are typically handled in DOOM, and adding that many with overlapping functionality manually is bound to cause issues. I recommend looking at /templates/init.el in the repo.

What settings do you recommend to leave for working with erlang?

I recommend erlang under :lang in init.el. If you want formatting, install erlfmt through rebar3, and (format +onsave) under :editor. If you want a language server, install the one of your choice, then (lsp +eglot) under :tools (pretty sure it will detect and start automatically; if not, you’ll need to add the hook in config.el, not packages.el. The DOOM docs are pretty particular on the subject.