Hosting your tech demos on Glitch !

Hey I got introduced to the erlang ecosystem through gleam language 3 months ago and i have been using it since

I love the ability to host simple tech demos online and share them with ppl of intrest

recently i have found out about Glitch which is a way to host projects for free/paid

here ^ is a project with erlang 27.2 setup i used Gleam and compiled the project to Erlang then i uploaded it to glitch and its working smoothly

I used it for a websocket server that i can access from a static web page to enable realtime collaboration on rich text documents

Current limitation of Glitch are 200mb storage and 4k requests an hour if you open a websocket connection for an hour it will count as one request and the projects will go to sleep after 5mins of none activity and they wake up on request

The team are amazing but the company have been struggling for a while (my thoughts) i think they can use some help feel free to reach out to them