How do i add an actual id field to a #textbox? So far I have the following code:
%% -*- mode: nitrogen -*-
main() -> #template{file = "./site/templates/bare.html"}.
title() -> "Ookma-Kyi - Signup".
body() ->
body = [
#grid_8{alpha = true, prefix = 2, suffix = 2, omega = true, body = inner_body()}
inner_body() ->
#h1{text = "Signup"},
" Please fill out the application below to register for an account.
" ",
#label{for = username, text = "Username"},
#textbox{id = username},
#label{for = email, text = "Email"},
#textbox{id = email},
#label{for = password, text = "Password"},
#password{id = password},
#label{for = passwordconfirm, text = "Confirm Password"},
#password{id = confirmpassword},
#button{text = "Signup"}
However it is rendering this html:
<label class="wfid_temp1027 nitrogen_label" for="username" >Username</label>
<input type="text" autocomplete="off" class="wfid_username wfid_temp1059 textbox" value="" />
<label class="wfid_temp1091 nitrogen_label" for="email" >Email</label>
<input type="text" autocomplete="off" class="wfid_email wfid_temp1123 textbox" value="" />
Note there is no id parameter in the textfields itself.
Also I tried:
#textbox{id = username, aria-describeby=usernameHelpBlock }
and it produced an error.