For example:
-export([foo/0, bar/0]).
%% @doc I'm attached to a function :)
foo() -> foo.
%% @doc I'm not because of the line break :(
bar() -> bar.
1> {source, File} = proplists:lookup(source, foo:module_info(compile)).
2> {ok, Forms} = epp:parse_file(File, [], []).
3> Comments = erl_comment_scan:file(File).
[{4,1,0,["% @doc I'm attached to a function :)"]},
{7,1,0,["% @doc I'm not because of the line break :("]}]
4> erl_syntax:form_list_elements(erl_syntax:flatten_form_list(
.. erl_recomment:recomment_forms(Forms, Comments))).
%% suppressed for clarify
[{tree,comment, % <- The comment is attached to the function
{comment,0,["% @doc I'm attached to a function :)"]}}],
{tree,comment, % <- The comment is not attached to the function
{comment,0,["% @doc I'm not because of the line break :("]}},
As you can see, only the first @doc
is attached to the function.
Is there a function to attach comments to functions even if separated by line breaks? Or do I need to do it manually? Iβm not finding where EDoc resolves something like this (or if it does).
CC @garazdawi