Hi there all!
Apologies in advance for what might be a bit of a long post!
I’m a core team member of Nostrum, a Discord library written in Elixir.
Under the hood, we’re using ETS to cache data received by Discord (e.g. users, guilds, presences) allowing our users to fetch them using some basic methods we have or more advanced methods by implementing their own queries with the qlc
A basic query to fetch all guilds in the guild cache might look like this:
find_large_communities(Threshold, GuildCache) ->
qlc:q([Guild || {_, Guild} <- GuildCache:query_handle(),
% Filter for guilds that are over the provided size
map_get(member_count, Guild) > Threshold]).
This exposes a really nice and very powerful query interface to end users allowing them to run database style queries & joins on our structures using the properties they are already familiar with.
I’ve been trying to flesh out some more example queries to share with users including one that looks for all users that are online on Discord, and returns the matching user objects for them. I’m trying to optimise this as much as possible but can’t seem to get the query to work without doing a full scan on the second table.
Going over the example a little bit more, we have a presence cache and a user cache, the former is a ETS table with schema {{GuildId, UserId}, Presence}
and a user table with schema {UserId, User}
, hence our query to try return a list of user objects for online users looks like this:
find_online_users(RequestedGuildId, PresenceCache, UserCache) ->
qlc:q([User || {{GuildId, PresenceUserId}, Presence} <- PresenceCache:query_handle(),
% Filter to members in the requested guild ID
GuildId =:= RequestedGuildId,
% Fetch any members where the status is not offline
map_get(status, Presence) /= offline,
% Get a handle on the users ETS table
{UserId, User} <- UserCache:query_handle(),
% Return all users for which we have found an online presence
UserId =:= PresenceUserId]).
When looking at the output of qlc:info/1
on this query, I see the following:
iex(2)> IO.puts(:qlc.info(:nostrum_queries.find_online_users(1226944827137069107, Cache.PresenceCache, Cache.UserCache)))
User ||
{{GuildId, PresenceUserId}, Presence} <-
[{{{'$1', '$2'}, '$3'},
{'=:=', '$1',
{const, 1226944827137069107}},
{'/=', {map_get, status, '$3'}, offline}}],
{UserId, User} <- ets:table(nostrum_users),
UserId =:= PresenceUserId
From what I understand here, and what I can see from filling the nostrum_users
ETS table with junk, this query is fairly optimised in finding the presences for the first step, running a select query that converts the list comprehensions into a joined andalso
When we get to the final stage where it fetches the nostrum_users
table and searches for users matching the PresenceUserId
list the query appears to be very slow. My loose understanding is that it is pulling the whole contents of the table in and then running the filter, with 10 million users in the users table, this query took around 6 seconds on my laptop, even though the PresenceUserId results will only have around 2 users in this test example.
My question is: is there a smarter way to write a query of this style, one that will fetch from the users table in a more optimised way that will not pull the entire copy of the table into the query?
I have not yet completely wrapped my head around the inner-workings here so am happy to answer any additional questions or provide any additional context/information. Thank you in advance to anyone that is curious enough to have a poke at this one!
Kind regards,