How to parse type specifications?


Is there a relatively simple way to take a type spec as a string or binary (something like list(atom()) | {ok, non_neg_integer() | binary()} | 42 | not_found) and parse this string into something like the structures handled by the erl_types module? (Any other correctly parsed structure is fine, not only erl_types format.)

If not, then is by best option to do it by myself with yecc?

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It’s never as simple as you would like it, but you can go a great length using erl_parse and erl_scan, as long as you don’t have macros in the type specs:

1> {ok, T, _} = erl_scan:string("-type a_type() :: list(atom()) | {ok, non_neg_integer() | binary()} | 42 | not_found."), rp(erl_parse:parse_form(T)).

You can even go one step further…

2> {ok, T, _} = erl_scan:string("-type a_type() :: list(atom()) | {ok, non_neg_integer() | binary()} | 42 | not_found."), {ok, Attr} = erl_parse:parse_form(T), erl_syntax_lib:analyze_attribute(Attr).

Now, if you want something a bit more powerful (particularly around macros) you should consider taking a look at GitHub - inaka/katana-code: Code Utilities for Erlang or maybe the parsing and scanning components under GitHub - WhatsApp/erlfmt: An automated code formatter for Erlang

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It can be quite simple, I’d say :wink: For example, we can clone Gradualizer, run rebar3 shell in the project directory and therein:

> gradualizer:type("list(atom()) | {ok, non_neg_integer() | binary()} | 42 | not_found").