How to post links to your blog posts

We love bloggers and (especially self-hosted blogs!) and would love to see more of you blog about Erlang and other BEAM languages. So we’ve come up with a way that will hopefully make it worth your while… by helping with your search engine rankings :003:

There are two ways to post links to your blog posts here.

  1. The first is the standard method of simply posting it in one of the main-blog-post-threads for the BEAM language your blog post is about.

  2. The second is posting it via Devtalk inside any of the blog posts sections - and we’ll automatically cross-post here in a dedicated thread as well :smiley:

What are the advantages to the latter? Quite a few…

  • Your blog post gets a dedicated thread here as well as on Devtalk.
  • Your blog post gets tweeted by our account here as well as the Devtalk account.
  • When it’s cross-posted here we automatically add a blogs_by_yourname tag where yourname is your username. This lets people follow your blog posts easily, or, if they’re not to that person’s tastes, to mute them.
  • We remove the rel=nofollow attribute for all posts that feature on the Devtalk frontend system.

How to post via Devtalk

  • Simply ensure your account there has the same username and email as your account here (you’ll need to register one if you don’t already have one there).
  • When you create the thread there ensure it is in one of the blog posts sections and don’t forget to include the tag for the BEAM language your blog post is about (if it’s about more than one just include the tag for the primary language).
  • As soon as you initiate thread creation there, paste the link in the title field - this is what will remove rel-nofollow from the link on the Devtalk frontend.

When might you want to use each method?

  • If you just want to quickly post a link to your blog post use the first option.
  • If you want more exposure or if you self-host your blog and want to improve your search engine rankings, use the second option.

Enjoy! We can’t wait to see more Erlang and BEAM bloggers :023:

This also works for podcasts.