The Actor model is synonymous with Erlang - so if a newbie asked you about it, how would you explain it to them in a way that is easy to understand?
I’d like to share a video from the source; in regards to the Actor Model, not Erlang:
“Hewitt, Meijer and Szyperski: The Actor Model (everything you wanted to know…)”
Nice find Marcel! I have bookmarked it and set a reminder to watch it next month - it looks like a fun vid!
I just watched it this morning while getting ready for work, it was cute, not a conference, more like just a few really smart people talking in a side room while at a conference, lol. Worth watching.
I’d think it’s a bit of an understatement, calling Carl Hewitt, one of the original authors of the Actor Model paper in 1973, a “really smart person”
Hah, didn’t know that, that explains how intelligent he sounded though! ^.^
That’s what I liked about it when I saw the first 5 minutes or so - in fact I’d love to see more videos like this because the ‘student’ often asks things you might have been wondering yourself!
That looks like another good one - thanks for posting @LeonardB (now I just need to find the time to watch them all!