Is the STM32F030F4P6 board (Mainstream ARM Cortex-M0) suitable for Erlang development?

Is this board suitable for Erlang development?


Sorry it took a few days to get a response, none of our current developers or users (that we know of) are currently working with STM32 boards. The port was made early on during the development of AtomVM and we have made many improvements (and more than likely, breaking changes for the stm32 port) since then…

We have been hoping to revive the STM32 port and bring it back up parity with the ESP32 and Unix ports, so if you are familiar with STM32 development we would love some help.

The STMF030F4P6 does not have adequate memory or storage to run AtomVM. The default cpu target is stm32f407vgt6. That would be the minimal requirement… an stm32 with at least 192 Kbytes of SRAM and 1 ( 2 or more recommended) Mbyte of flash storage.

If you are at all interested in working on the STM32 port do not hesitate to reach out to us! There is a lot of useful info at - where you can also find a link to our Telegram chat on the “contact” page.


I know it has been a while since this question was asked, but I just purchased some hardware and started kicking the tires on the stm32 port of AtomVM. I have some updated news to share. I may have overestimated the minimum system requirements. I have been able to compile and successfully run the VM on a stm32f411ceu6 (Black Pill v.2) with 512k flash, and 128k RAM at 100Mhz. I do believe as far as flash and RAM are concerned those are as slim as we can accommodate. But this does not rule out adding external ram and flash to a slower or more constrained processor. The minimum onboard flash should be at least 256K for the VM with the external flash used for the beam application. I have not yet added the ability to find the free heap size from within AtomVM so I cannot definitively state the minimum RAM needed, but for now 128k is as low as can be expected.

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