Is there any UART library in Erlang?

I’m looking for an Erlang UART library for an experiment project. I’d be content using Elixir, but would prefer to use Erlang. So, is there any UART library in Erlang hiding somewhere in cyberspace?

I’ve searched but the only hit is circuits_uart, in Elixir.

I have also searched GitHub and have only found tonyrog/uart so far. It is only ~4 years old, but hasn’t aged very well (small changes were enough for the project to compile again, but not for the tests to work; maybe I’m missing something).

Thanks in advance!

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Following this thread How to use a serial com port in Gleam? - #4 by igorclark looks like there are more two options:


Thanks for the links, I’ll take a look at those too!

circuites_uart contains an executable wirtten in C which can work with Erlang (through port). I fetched out its C sources and used it with Erlang last year, worked nice on Windows and Linux.

This is the repository. There are 2 simple samples in the samples folder. And you can download precompiled executables (and put it into priv folder) in release page.

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Thanks for the link, it’s pretty nice, looks like the best option so far! I wonder actually if the people behind circuits_uart would be open to keeping the port separate from circuits_uart itself… :thinking: