Ooo exciting stuff Sophie! Thanks for dropping by and saying hello - I hope something comes of this and I will keep everything crossed it does!
You may also want to keep an eye on this thread: What kind of Erlang books or learning material would you like to see? (I reckon a book from @bjorng, @garazdawi, @kennethL and the rest of the Erlang core team would go down really well too! In fact in a conversation I had with Kenneth he said one of the core team’s aims was to help show people how to write good reliable software - and I think people would love to see a book from them on that topic! As you know, reliable software is Erlang’s bread and butter and it’s something the core team have intimate details of. I know I wouldn’t be the only person interested in a book (or two!) from them )
Sounds like a perfect day Duncan! And a real fire would have been the icing on the cake for me!
I wonder if @rvirding remembers the day too? And whether it was equally memorable for him (was that the first time you and him met btw?)