What kind of Erlang books or learning material would you like to see?

I am a huge fan of books, videos, and screencasts - so am wondering, if you had the ear of an author or video content producer, what kind of Erlang/BEAM content would you like to see them create?

Any type of book in particular? Any BEAM language in particular? Maybe you have a specific style of book (or video) that you like and would love to see more of? I’m curious to hear what you think!

Who knows, maybe your comments might go on to inspire someone from this very forum to write or create exactly the kind of content you’re looking for :003:


After this recent reminder of how well he explains things, I’d like to see @bjorng write a book :003:

Perhaps a Learn Functional Programming With Erlang book Björn? I promise to be your first customer :041:


An up-to date book will be great


Erlang in Production. How-to host and manage your system.


The Adopting Erlang booksite has a production section which might be what you’re looking for.


:+1: :+1:


Seeing how active and insightful @max-au’s posts have been here on the forum - I’d like to see a ‘Building Systems that Scale With Erlang’ book from the WhatsApp team :003:


I was just thinking today that more live coding videos would be cool. I love watching those and there are many hundreds of them on YouTube in all sorts of languages, but not too many in Erlang. The type of video I’m thinking of is the kind where they present a problem, talk through ways of solving it, and then code it until it is solved. Almost like the “coding interview” videos that are very popular, but maybe not so complicated.

On a related note, I recently watching a series on dynamic programming using javascript, but I did the examples in Python. I also watched a few videos on algorithms and data structures. Something like that for Erlang would be really fantastic.


I always like concise examples that I can use as building blocks. I made a minimal multi-node system with failover example which I will endeavour to share at some point.


YES! to concise examples. In (what seems like) a former life, I got excellent mileage out of the Perl Cookbook and something along those lines for Erlang would be hugely helpful at times. For example, the crypto module is well documented but (and I admit to some ignorance here) not easy to use. A few recipes for common use cases would be invaluable.

More generally: there are excellent references about beginning Erlang programming; a book targeting some of the hairier corners (rebar3, mnesia administration, effective error logging) that are a concern to working programmers would be fantastic. Of the available books, I find Cesarini and Thompson’s Erlang Programming to be along these lines but getting a little out of date.


^^ One of my favourite Rails books was ‘Rails Recipes’ and I’d love to see something like that for Erlang/Elixir. I suggested it to PragProg a while back so hopefully we might see something like that for the BEAM world soon - here’s hoping anyway!