Minimum Visual C++ Redistributable version? Getting: Unable to load emulator DLL

Hello, I have been making mix releases of an elixir project, to run on windows.

These releases worked on my colleagues machines, but when running on a fresh VM I was getting this error:

Unable to load emulator DLL
([...erts folder]\bin\beam.smp.dll)

I figured out this was because I did not have the Visual C++ Runtime installed. I am looking to make sure the minimum version of the Visual C++ Runtime is already installed, and if not install it, in the installer I am writing for this project. I am struggling to figure out what the minimum supported version of the runtime would be.

From the install.txt file I see a redistributable is needed. I downloaded the Erlang/OTP 27.2 Windows Zip Archive and see it includes the latest VC++ Runtime (14.42.34433.0), but I believe this is because the Windows Upload GitHub action downloads the latest copy of vc_redist for each release.

I also see that the build GitHub Action uses windows-server-2022 builder, which also includes the latest Microsoft Visual C++ 2022 Runtimes (14.42.34433).

On my computer “C:\Windows\System32\mfc140.dll” is at version 14.28.29334.0, so I suspect that practically the latest version is not needed.

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I see that the latest Erlang x86 installer, for 27.2, installs version 14.29.30153 of the redistributable so I am going to assume that is the minimum version required.

n.b. I called this the Visual C++ Runtime above, I should have said Visual C++ Redistributable

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