Module doc - complete Markdown guide?

We are looking into moving the Zotonic .rst reference documentation into their specific Erlang modules, using the module doc features of OTP27.

What I am searching for is the complete overview of the supported Markdown dialect. Especially for tables. Does anybody has this? In the ExDoc documentation I’ve only found a reference to Daring Fireball’s documentation of markdown. Though I suspect this isn’t the complete overview of what the ExDoc markdown parser can handle.

Cheers, Marc

The table follows GitHub’s extension: GitHub Flavored Markdown Spec

A pull request to ExDoc improve the docs and adding more references would be very appreciated. :slight_smile:

It is EarmarkParser that is used to parse the markdown. So a lot of descriptions can be found there.

Thanks @josevalim and @garazdawi!

Will check the parser. We probably need to update the Zotonic markdown-to-html and html-to-markdown parsers to also support the tables.

Can’t use the Elixir code yet in our Erlang project…