I’ve just publish something I’ve been experimenting with:
nm is a library to help manipulate and transform deeply nested data structures in a simple way.
Since the discussion about local accumulators I’ve joined some discussions on ways to deal with it properly.
I’ve always argued that this is difficult and yes, it should be difficult, you’re trying to change a deeply nested tree of data and you’re trying to apply mutability adhoc to a immutable data structure. Thinking on ways to handle that more easily I’ve always come to the conclusion that the “simple”(not the best and not the fastest) is just to unnest that tree into a more “linear” structure. That’s where the starting point for nm
It has some limitations, it only consider “nesteable data structures” as lists and maps, so keywordlists, tuples and other data types will not be “unnested”.
This is very early work, i’ve just come with the most simple and basic api that can be useful and somewhat easy to use. I’ve been thinking to improve that api with something close to the Access behavior(from elixir, the idea is to have a common vocabulary on manipulating data), but first I gonna improve documentation and provide some examples(I’m planning to do an example in elixir and erlang for doing the problem that Valim shows in the local accumulators repository).
I’d like to receive some feedback and opinions on this type of library if it makes sense and all that. If you could just apply it to your most nasty deeply nested structures and see if it’s useful, i’d be thankful.