Parsing system config with Erlang. How?

Hello all!

Got question about parsing system config files with Erlang.
Is there any Erlang-in-box solution or library for parsing system config files like this:

[section 1]

[section 2]

There are few libraries presented on Github:

But this libraries about 10 years old without any updates. Do they still valid and could be used?

You might want to check out Basho’s cuttlefish

It’s still actively maintained.

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Well, ini files (which, from the example, I guess is what you mean when you say “system config files”) are not exactly an evolving thing… So if the libs worked when they were written, I guess there is no reason why they shouldn’t be still working today, and if they were reasonably feature-complete, there is no reason why anything should be changed.

However, AFAIK ini files are not really standardized in any way, and several different flavors exist. So you will have to try out whether or not a library can handle the ini flavor you have in mind the way you want.


Got chosen GitHub - benoitc/econfig: simple Erlang config handler using INI files It’s still operational and it’s working for me.

The other library GitHub - erlcloud/eini: An Erlang INI parser working too, but functionality very poor. But in case of developing something own - would be choosing it.

The Basho - not tested, but my thought it’s big and working perfectly.

Thx to all! For me issue closed.