Quantum computing... and Erlang?

Saw this article on the BBC earlier:

And a few bits just reminded me of Erlang:

Currently, computers solve problems in a simple linear way, one calculation at a time.

In the quantum realm, particles can be in two places at the same time and researchers want to harness this property to develop computers that can do multiple calculations all at the same time.


The team developed a system able to transport information from one chip to another with a reliability of 99.999993% at record speeds. That, say the researchers, shows that in principle chips could be slotted together to make a more powerful quantum computer.

Not quite nine nines, but still :lol:

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In the quantum realm, particles can be in two places at the same time and researchers want to harness this property to develop computers that can do multiple calculations all at the same time.

Sounds like shared state to me :scream:


I don’t think they are actually shared as such, just the same state taking different paths at the same time


Just a message copy then.

Btw, are the rumours true that you are building a Quantum compiler on the BEAM, @rvirding?