Rebar3 fails to compile: Task failed: {{badmatch,[]}

rebar3 fails to compile/escriptize/dialyzer my small hobby project. This is on Manjaro Linux, using rebar3 from the git, in Erlang/OTP 27. Here are the first lines of the error messages:

[hph@hackbrett4 enet]$ REBAR_COLOR=none ~/bin/rebar3 shell
Verifying dependencies...
Analyzing applications...
Compiling enet
Task failed: {{badmatch,[]},
=ERROR REPORT==== 5-Oct-2024::20:06:53.273340 ===
Error in process <0.196.0> with exit value:

rebar.config is:

{erl_opts, [no_debug_info]}.

{escript_incl_apps, []}.
{escript_main_app, enet}.
{escript_name, enet}.

I’m a bit lost, not experienced enough to find the reason. Any hints welcome.

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I can not replicate this. Could you open an issue on rebar3 repo?

Additionally, it would be helpful to emit debug info for the issue i.e., REBAR_COLOR=none DEBUG=true ~/bin/rebar3 shell

Thanks for the reply. I just found out the reason. I had some json and yaml and some .beam files in the src dir, after removing them rebar3 compiles fine. So my stupidity.

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