Scheduling on asymmetric CPU cores

Most modern CPUs have multiple “kinds” of cores with different performance characteristics. Is there a good place to look for discussion of how to leverage this for BEAM?

Background / links:

  • short piece from Intel on P-cores vs E-cores - this mentions that the operating system is “provided real-time feedback”.
  • the cpu_topology machinery seems like a good place to start, but it doesn’t expose any metadata like “this core is faster”. (also only returns undefined on OS X :frowning: )
  • the process_flag(priority, ...) interface seems inadequate to distinguish processes that would benefit from running on a high-speed core

Just spitballing here, but perhaps you could start start two BEAM instances, each pinned to the different kinds of cores in the OS via taskset (e.g., on Linux) plus +sct CpuToplogy when launching the BEAM. Then, use distributed Erlang and your own scheduling policy to use the different core types?

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