Timing guarantees between `enif_send` and `receive`

From Erlang Reference Manual | Processes,

The amount of time that passes between the time a signal is sent and the arrival of the signal at the destination is unspecified but positive.

Does the same property hold true for messages that are sent from a NIF with enif_send?

I’m trying to debug some crashes I’ve seen on a production system, and I’ve identified a path through my code that would be vulnerable to a race condition if the above is true. However, I haven’t been able to reproduce the race in a dev environment.

In other words, to prove I have a race condition bug in my code, I want to induce a state where this assertion fails. (In the interest of brevity, this is all pseudo-code)

test() ->
     Ref = make_nif_request(),


     % The NIF background thread calls `enif_send` sometime here

     true = flush(Ref).
flush(Ref) ->   
        {Ref, ready} ->
            % Normal path
    after 0 ->

        % Assuming enif_send fired during the sleep, the flush would only
        % fail if there is positive time in between the `enif_send` signal and
        % the receive on the message queue


Where the NIF is something like this, using enif_thread_create.

static ERL_NIF_TERM myapp_setup(...) {

staic void thread_fn(...) {

// ...

I’ve attempted to put a large workload on a single-scheduler VM to slow down the copying of signals from the signal queue to the message queue to have the flush return false, but I haven’t been able to yet. Any tips would be appreciated!

Thanks! :smiley:

Yes, it is true for all signaling. The time is however usually very small internally in the same runtime system.

Thanks. It turns out, perhaps unsurprisingly, that the cause of my bug was elsewhere, unrelated to enif_send. This is still valuable info though.

For any future readers, I suggest making sure you exhaust all other possible avenues before blaming the signaling timing. I spent a day trying to force a signal delay with no luck, BEAM is solid as always. :slightly_smiling_face: