Unable to create Erlang/OTP clients using EMQTT

The following snippet of code was posted by a member of the emqtt team.

here is the minimal stuff you want, assuming you are connecting to ""
{ok, Pid} = emqtt:start_link([{host, {127,0,0,1}},
                           {port, 14567}
 _ =emqtt:quic_connect(Pid),

Here is my code. It is using the same minimal emqtt function above. The only thing difference is the host IP address. I am running the code on Debain 12 hosting Erlang/OTP 27.

-define(NAME, com2).

-export([start/0, stop/0]).
-export([cnct/0, sub/0]).
-export([cnctState/3, subState/3]).

-export([init/1,callback_mode/0, handle_event/3, terminate/3, code_change/4]).

start() ->
    {ok, Pid} = gen_statem:start_link({local,?NAME}, ?MODULE, [], []),
    io:format("My proccess Pid ~p~n", [Pid]).

cnct() ->
    gen_statem:cast(?NAME, cnct).

sub() ->
    %gen_statem:call(?NAME, sub).
    gen_statem:cast(?NAME, sub).

stop() ->

-record(comm, {connPid, emqttMsg}).

callback_mode() ->

init(_Args) ->
    process_flag(trap_exit, true),
    Properties = #{'Session-Expiry-Interval' => 300,
                    'Server-Keep-Alive' => 30,
                    'Retain-Available' => 1

    Options = [ {host, ""},
                {port, 14567}
                %%{keepalive, 30},
                %{clientid, <<"alb65McbrideBCCanada">>}, 
                %%{proto_ver, v5},
                %%{reconnect_timeout, 1000}
                %{quic_opts, {quicer:conn_opts(), quicer:stream_opts()}},
                %%{properties, Properties}

    {ok, ConnPid} = emqtt:start_link(Options),
    io:format("ConnPid from emqtt:start_link/1 ~p~n", [ConnPid]),
    State = cnctState, Data = #comm{connPid = ConnPid},
    %io:format("Data ~p~n", [Data]),
    {ok, State, Data}.

cnctState(cast, cnct, Data) ->
    ConnPid = Data#comm.connPid,
	io:format("ConnPid for emqtt:quic_connect/1 ~p~n", [ConnPid]),
    ConnPid = Data#comm.connPid,
    {next_state, subState, Data};
cnctState(EventType, EventContent, Data) ->
    handle_event(EventType, EventContent, Data).   

%subState({call, From}, sub, Data) ->
subState(cast, sub, Data) ->
    ConnPid = Data#comm.connPid,
    io:format("CommPid for emqtt:subscribe/3 ~p~n", [ConnPid]),
    %Properties = #{},
    Properties = #{ %'Maximum-Packet-Size' => 1048576,
                    %'Receive-Maximum' => 32,
                    %'Retain-Available' => 1,
                    %'Shared-Subscription-Available' => 1,
                    %'Subscription-Identifier-Available' => 1,
                    %'Topic-Alias-Maximum' => 65535,
                    %'Wildcard-Subscription-Available' => 1,
                    %%'Message-Expiry-Interval' => 10,
                    %'Content-Type' => <<"Json">>,
                    %%'Payload-Format-Indicator' => 1,
                    %%'Content-Type' => <<"application/json">>,
                    %%'Server-Keep-Alive' => 30
                    %'Maximum-QoS' => 1
   SubOpts = [qos1],
    Subscriptions = [{<<"EK9160/EK-98EFB6/Stream1/Json/Tx/Data">>, SubOpts}],
    _ = emqtt:subscribe(ConnPid, Properties, Subscriptions),
    %io:format("Subscription~p~n", [Reply]),
    %{keep_state,Data, [{noreply, From, Data}]};
    {next_state, subState, Data};
subState(EventType, EventContent, Data) ->
    handle_event(EventType, EventContent, Data). 

handle_event(_, _, Data) ->
    %% Ignore all other events
    {keep_state, Data}.

terminate(_Reason, _State, _Data) ->

code_change(_Vsn, State, Data, _Extra) →
{ok, State, Data}.

When I run the com2.erl module shown above, I get the following result

1> com2:start().
ConnPid from emqtt:start_link/1 <0.209.0>
My proccess Pid <0.208.0>
2> com2:cnct().
ConnPid for emqtt:quic_connect/1 <0.209.0>
3> com2:sub().
CommPid for emqtt:subscribe/3 <0.209.0>

With emqtt it is possible to subscribe and publish through the command line/Linux Shell but we not been able to create Erlang/OTP clients using emqtt. Could someone help us with this issue.