Use of Hypermnesia in the title of a project


I am currently working on a project extending Mnesia for eventual consistency. I am wondering if it is possible to use Hypermnesia as the name of my project title by the license/trademark? Who would be a good person to contact to ask for permissions?

Thanks a lot!



Tangential to the topic, but there is another eventually consistent mnesia extension: GitHub - emqx/mria: Async-ly replicated Mnesia database for Erlang/Elixir
I wonder if you’d be interested in contributing?


Interesting, I would love to learn more, especially whether you address the problems of dirty operations which might make the database in an inconsistent state. Let me know how I can get involved!

In the meantime, feel free to check out my project (GitHub - Vincent-lau/otp: Erlang/OTP) and a demo for this project (hypermnesia-demo - YouTube)

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Interesting, thanks for sharing the WIP branch, I’ll take a closer look.
We took a different approach: we effectively split nodes into several independent mnesia clusters that replicate transactions asynchronously over a relatively simple protocol, so mria app can run side-by-side with mnesia, and mnesia application is mostly untouched save for a single hook point in mnesia_tm.
If you ever wish to get involved, feel free to just open PR/issue.

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I don’t see any problem with choosing the name Hypermnesia when it comes to trademarks/license but if you have mnesia as part of the name I think that indicates that the code from mnesia in OTP is involved in your solution as well.


Ok, thanks. This project is indeed a modification of Mnesia in OTP. My supervisor insists that I should get a formal written permission for the use of this title. Any suggestions on who to contact for this?