I see some of the user manuals do not list all the functions implemented by a module. Why is this? Are the manuals outdated? or the functions are deprecated and hence, not listed in the user manual?
For example; Refer to the ssh user manual. Erlang shell lists the function ssh_connection:channel_data, whereas ssh_connection.html does not list.
Erlang shell lists as follows;
(node1@vm-alarm)7> ssh_connection:
adjust_window( channel_adjust_window_msg( channel_close_msg( channel_data( channel_data_msg(
channel_eof_msg( channel_failure_msg( channel_open_confirmation_msg( channel_open_failure_msg( channel_open_msg(
channel_request_msg( channel_status_msg( channel_success_msg( close( decode_pty_opts(
dummy( encode_ip( encode_pty_opts( exec( exit_status(
handle_msg( handle_stop( module_info( open_channel( ptty_alloc(
reply_request( request_failure_msg( request_global_msg( request_success_msg( send(
send_environment_vars( send_eof( session_channel( setenv( shell(
signal( subsystem( window_change(